Algorithm Design and Analysis - Divide-and-Conquer
Main message:
- 从最简单的case入手
- 看能否分,能否combine
- 不求最优,只要次优
1.对于ClosestPair问题,若暴力破解法将花费多项式时间,分治法通常可被用于节省运行时间:\(O(n^2)\) \(\implies\) \(O(nlogn)\) 2.这个技巧若与随机技巧结合将非常有威力
二、Sort Problem
INPUT: An array of n integers, say A[0..n-1];
OUTPUT: The items of A in increasing order.

1 | InsertionSort( A, n ) |
时间复杂度: \(T(n)=T(n-1)+O(n)=O(n^2)\)

方法2.将其分为两个独立的子问题(MERGE SORT)

1 | MergeSort(A; l; r) //从l到r之间排序 |

- Unrolling the recurrence 硬展开
- Guess and substitution 猜然后验证
- Master theorem
technique 1: Unrolling the recurrence
We have \(T(n) = 2T(\frac{n}{2}) + O(n) <= 2T(\frac{n}{2}) + cn\) for a constant c. Let unrolling a few levels to find a pattern, and then sum over all levels.

technique 2: Guess and substitution
Guess and substitution: guess a solution, substitute it into the recurrence relation, and justify that it works.

technique 3:Master theorem 主定理
Let T(n) be defined by \(T(n)=aT(\frac{n}{b})+O(n^d)\) for a > 1, b > 1 and d > 0, 其中n为问题规模,a为递推的子问题数量,\(\frac{n}{b}\)为每个子问题的规模(假设每个子问题的规模基本一样), 为递推以外进行的计算工作. then T(n) can be bounded by:
- If d < \(\log_b a\), then \(T(n)=O(n^{\log_b a})\);
- If d = \(\log_b a\), then \(T(n)=O(n^{\log_b a} \log n)\);
- If d > \(\log_b a\), then \(T(n)=O(n^d)\).
四、Counting Inversion Problem 数逆序对
To count inversions in an array of n integers
INPUT: An array $A[0..n]$ with n distinct numbers;
OUTPUT:the number of inversions. A pair of indices i and j constitutes an inversion if i < j butA[i] > A[j].



1 | Sort-and-Count(A) |
时间复杂度为:\(T(n)=2T(\frac{n}{2})+O(n)=O(n\log n)\)
五、The general Divide and Conquer paradigm
Basic Idea
Many problems are recursive in structure, i.e., to solve a given problem, they call themselves several times to deal with closely related sub-problems. These sub-problems have the same form to the original problem but a smaller size.
Three Steps
- Divide a problem into a number of independent sub-problems;
- Conquer the subproblems by solving them recursively;
- Combine the solutions to the subproblems into the solution to the original problem.
Quick Sort algorithm
Divide according to a randomly-selected pivot.根据随机选取的轴进行分割。
1 | QuickSort(A) |
- 随机的操作使得这个算法变得简单而高效
- 然而,随机增加了分析的难度,我们不能保证取到每个问题的第\(\frac{n}{2}\)个元素
\[T(n) = T(n - 1) + O(n) = O(n^2)\]
\[T(n) = 2T(\frac{n}{2}) + O(n) = O(n\log n)\]
\[T(n) = O(n\log n)\]
Observation 1: 对于任意i,j而言,\(A[i]\)和\(A[j]\)之间最多被比较一次。
Observation 2: 当处理包含\(A[i..j]\)的元素时,当且仅当\(A[i]\)或\(A[j]\)被选为枢轴时比较\(A[i]\)和\(A[j]\)。
Modified Quick Sort
1 | ModifiedQuickSort(A) |

1 | \\Lomuto’s implementation |
1 | \\Hoare’s implementation |
Selection problem
INPUT:An array A = [A0, A1,.., An_1], and a number k < n;
OUTPUT:The k-th smallest item in general case (or the median of A as a specical case).
若先将A排序再寻找第k个值,时间复杂度为\(O(nlog n)\)。相反地,若使用分治法,则有可能开发出更快的算法(e.g.deterministic linear algorithm by Blum et al.)。时间复杂度为\(O(n)\)。
1 | Select(A; k) |
How to choose a pivot?
\[T(n) = T(n - 1) + O(n) = O(n^2)\]
\[T(n) = T(\frac{n}{2}) + O(n) = O(n)\]
\[T(n) ≤ T((1 − ϵ)n) + O(n) ≤ cn + c(1 − ϵ)n + c(1 − ϵ)^2 + .... = O(n)\]
How to select a nearly-central pivot?
- Selecting a central pivot via examining medians of groups
- Selecting a central pivot via randomly selecting an element
- Selecting a central pivot via examining a random sample
Strategy 1:BFPRT algorithm uses median of medians as pivot

SelectMedian(A) Line up elements in groups of 5 elements; 2. Find the median of each group; //cost \(\frac{6n}{5}\) time 3. Find the median of medians (denoted as M)through recursively running Select over the group medians; // \(T(\frac{n}{5})\) time 4. Use M as pivot to partition A into S_ and S+; //\(O(n)\) time 5. if |S_| = k - 1 then 6. return M; 7. else if |S_| > k - 1 then 8. return Select(S_; k); //at most \(T(\frac{7n}{10})\) time 9. else 10. return Select(S+; k - |S_| - 1); //at most \(T(\frac{7n}{10})\) time 11. end if
1 | Select(A; l; r; k) |



Strategy 2: QuickSelect algorithm randomly select an element as pivot
1 | QuickSelect(A, k) |
Basic idea: when selecting an element uniformly at random, it is highly likely to get a good pivot since a fairly large fraction of the elements are nearly-central.

The expected running time of QuickSelect: T(n) = O(n);
Strategy 3: Floyd-Rivest algorithm selects a pivot based on random samples

1 | Floyd-Rivest-Select(A; k) |
1. ClosestPair problem
Given a set of points in a plane, to find the closest pair.
INPUT: n points in a plane;
OUTPUT: The pair with the least Euclidean distance.
暴力做法的时间复杂度为\[T(n^2)\],存在很多的冗余。 由于将平面分为四个部分会使点的分布不均,我们将平面分割为内含均匀数量的点的两个平面,分别计算两个平面内的最小对点距离,再计算跨越两个平面的最小距离。 我们可以观察到,我们仅需检查中线周围以两个平面中较小的最小距离为宽度的区域就足够。

并且,我们不需要检查条形区域内的所有点。检查它周围的11个点已足够。 我们将两倍宽度的长条分解成格子,每个格子中最多包含一个点,否则表明之前计算出的最小距离有误。 我们对y轴进行排序,然后仅需将每个点与其周围11个点进行比对。

1 | ClosestPair(pl; :::; pr) |
Time-complexity: \[T(n) = 2T(\frac{n}{2}) + O(n log n) = O(n log^2 n)\].
