Algorithm Design and Analysis - Overview
今天上了卜东波老师的第一次算法课,对算法的概况有了一个大体的了解,在这里对今天的内容做一些总结。【Three solutions:Induction, Improvemrnt and Enumeration】
一、Mind Map
- Divide-and-conquer: Let's start from the "smallest" problem first, and investigate whether a large problem can reduce to smaller subproblems.
See: Algorithm_Design_and Analysis-Divide-and-Conquer
- "Intelligent" Enumeration: Consider an optimization problem. If the solution can be constructed step by step, we might enumerate all possible complete solutions by constructing a partial solution tree. Due to the huge size of the search tree, some techniques should be employed to prune it.
动态规划就是一种枚举所有可能性的算法,see:Algorithm Design and Analysis - Dynamic programming
- Improvement: Let's start from an initial complete solution, and try to improve it step by step.
EX1.Calculating the greatest common divisor (gcd) 求最小公约数
The greatest common divisor of two integers a and b, when at least one of them is not zero, is the largest positive integer that divides the numbers without a remainder.
INPUT: two n-bits numbers a, and b (a >= b)
OUTPUT: gcd(a; b)
已知gcd(1; 0) = 1;如何求解gcd(1949; 101)?
可将复杂问题分解成小的问题(辗转相除法):gcd(1949; 101) = gcd(101; 1949 mod 101) = gcd(101; 30)= gcd(30; 101 mod 30) = gcd(30; 11)= gcd(11; 30 mod 11) = gcd(11; 8)= gcd(8; 3) = gcd(3; 2) = gcd(2; 1) = gcd(1; 0) = 1
1 | function Euclid(a; b) |
EX2.traveling salesman problem (TSP) 周游城市的最短距离
INPUT: n cities V = {1; 2;...; n}, and a distance matrix D, where dij (1 <= i; j <= n) denotes the distance between city i and j.
OUTPUT: the shortest tour that visits each city exactly once and returns to the origin city.
Trial 1: Divide and conquer
我们可通过计算 M(S,e) 来计算最小距离。S为要拜访的节点的集合,e为结束节点。
min{ d2;1 +M({3; 4}; 2); d3;1 +M({2; 4}; 3); d4;1 +M({2; 3}; 4)}
1 | //算是一种动态规划算法 |
Trial 2: Improvement strategy
1 | function GenericImprovement(G;D) //通用,逐步迭代完整解 |
Trial 3: Intelligent" enumeration strategy
完整的解可以表示为n条边的排列。将边缘按照一定顺序排列,一个完整的解可以被表示为:X = [x1, x2,..., xm]。 例如:a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> a 可以被表示为 X = [1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1]。 所有的环游都可以写成这种形式,我们就能枚举出所有的解。
1 | function GenericBacktrack(P0) //枚举所有的解 |
然而,这种方式计算量巨大,需要花费指数倍的时间,且我们无需在内存中存储整个树。因此,我们可以从中剔除一些低质量的或者不符合条件的部分解(贪心算法)。我们可以使用heuristic functions 和下界(lower bound functions)来评估部分解的质量。【这是EM算法的核心】
1 | function IntelligentBacktrack(P0) |
- 先观察问题的结构,解的形式,再设计算法
- 能分解成子问题是一个非常有效的信号
- 在优化问题中,下界信息非常重要